Frequently Asked Questions

Why is this necessary?

Master Provisions has outgrown its current home. The growth of our mission has caused the current facility to be functionally obsolete for the size and scope of our operations. We are forced to store food, clothing, and other supplies at several locations off-site. We also park storage trailers ten miles away from our facility, which drives up transportation costs and reduces operating efficiency.

Also, the nature of the services delivered at Master Provisions is changing. Our partners, volunteers, and staff need to modernize to keep up with the growing demands this creates. Given this, it would be irresponsible for us to not make this investment on behalf of the community, our partners, and our staff.

Who will benefit from this expansion?

This project is designed to benefit the community first and foremost through enhanced capability and capacity to deliver our services.

How else will this benefit stakeholders and the community?

Expanding will make delivering on our mission more efficient, easier, and more effective, which is the overwhelming goal for all of our employees.

More space means more impact, feeding more people physically and spiritually. We have learned over the years that when we make space for God’s blessings like food and clothing in our warehouse, He always fills it.

How will the project change the nature of the programs and services you provide?

In addition to the benefits above, we will add and expand life skills training through volunteerism for special needs students and adults from schools and behavioral health organizations.

Has MP expanded its facility in the past?

MP’s current facility is The Borland Family Distribution Center, which was dedicated in March of 2011. The 17,500 SF facility was provided courtesy of funding from Mrs. Clifford R. Borland, Sr., in 2010. Over time we have added upgraded utilities, such as cold storage, to the Borland Family Distribution Center to meet increasing needs. However, our biggest challenge remains lack of space.

Does this solve all of MP’s facility challenges?

No. Replacements and upgrades are a constant process for any non-profit.

How will MP pay for this project?

Multiple sources of funding will pay for the project’s cost. Private donations, corporate naming and sponsorships, grants, in-kind services, and other event-related fundraising will cover the costs. Proceeds from the sale or transfer of the existing MP facility could potentially be used to fund the project. MP will continue to honor God by operating debt free.

Is this project affordable?

With God’s endless generosity flowing through our community, absolutely!

Will the expansion create more overhead for MP’s ministry?

There are significant cost savings that will be achieved in the form of having a more efficient space to work in and reduced relative maintenance costs.

How will the MP team grow as a result?

While no plans for growth in staff are directly tied to the expansion, we anticipate that staff will be added as the facility provides additional capacity to the ministry.